uConsult™ in the media.

Keep up to date with mentions of uConsult™ in the media. Please browse through and click on the articles below.

Adopting telemedicine in a healthcare practice

According to healthcare providers one of the greatest challenges standing in the way of telemedicine adoption is how to integrate digital healthcare into their day-to-day practice workflows… Read More

New technology drives growth in healthcare services

Despite the perceived barriers associated with telemedicine, new technology is enabling digital healthcare to continuously improve and gain ground as a preferred method of providing healthcare services to patients using virtual consultation rooms… Read More

Strategizing for telemedicine: Laying the foundations

Telemedicine can provide a quick solution for urgent patient requests. Unchecked, however, it can disrupt a structured workflow. Dr Anton Prinsloo takes a look at how a conscious decision-making process can lead to creating the right kind of space for telemedicine… Read More

Increased access with uConsult™

Virtual appointments casting doors of access wide open. Paying the doctor a visit is being revolutionised with the introduction of a multi-sided virtual consultation platform making private home-based care singularly accessible in South Africa… Read More

The doctor's perspective

In an economy largely enabled by technological advancements and faced with the challenges of personal safety, many doctors are now seeking solutions for contactless consulting as the logical ‘next step’ for healthcare practices… Read More

Connect safely to a virtual healthcare consultation, straight from your web browser

In the last 15 months, many people have avoided doctors’ rooms unless absolutely necessary. While this is understandable, it has come with its own set of challenges… Read More

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