Built For Healthcare Providers.
Convenient, secure and easy to use.

Choose your hours to consult patients
Encrypted platform to keep patient records confidential and for secure payments
Easy search functionality for patients
Electronic prescriptions
Specialist referral letters
Sick notes
Radiology and pathology
Central patient records
Clinical notes
Acquired consent from patients
Secure payments for patients
Healthcare Provider Administrators
- Set up the diary and make online bookings for patients
- Reconcile payments and medical scheme claims
- Reduce bad debt by accepting cash payments online
Built For Healthcare Providers.
Everything you need on one central platform.
State-of-the-art technology
- Intuitive and user-friendly platform
- Secure communication
- Screen sharing
- Clinical note capturing
- Automated appointment reminders sent to patients
Electronic prescriptions
- Auto-populated patient information
- Intuitive user interface interprets doctor shorthand
- Access to the latest products, NAPPI codes and prices
- Authenticate signature
- Email to patient and/or pharmacy
- ‘Favourites’ functionality
Pathology request forms
- Auto-populated mnemonic number and patient information
- Simple look-up for tests with predictive text
- Authenticate signature
- Email to patient
Radiology request forms
- Auto-populated patient information
- Simple look-up for tests with predictive text
- Authenticate signature
- Email to patient
Medical certificates
- Auto-populated patient information
- Authenticate signature
- Email to patient

Specialist referral requests
- Auto-populated patient details and diagnosis
- Authenticate signature
- Email to patient
Patient invitations
- Invite your patients to the platform or upload your patient database so we can invite them on your behalf
Online calendar
- Electronic scheduling system
- Set up your consult duration and create available time slots
Cash patient payment collections
- Set up your rate and consultation descriptions
- Secure payment gateway solution allowing patients to pay online
Medical scheme claims
- Receive a detailed listing of all claims ready to submit to the Medical Aid Scheme
- Claims can be submitted directly using your own PMA