Welcome to the online consultation room.

uConsult™ is a revolutionary virtual consultation platform that’s accessible to any patient and healthcare provider with a smart device and internet connection.

Healthcare Providers


Welcome to the online consultation room.

uConsult™ is a revolutionary virtual consultation platform that’s accessible to any patient and healthcare provider with a smart device and internet connection.

Healthcare Providers


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Virtual consultations are now open to anyone.

Exclusively yours.

uConsult™ welcomes all healthcare providers and patients – it’s not limited to any medical scheme, and patients who are not on a medical scheme can also use uConsult™.

Whenever, wherever, on any device.

uConsult™ is compatible with any connected smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Virtual consultations can take place wherever it’s convenient, at any time that suits both the healthcare provider and the patient.

Easy to use.

uConsult™ is a highly intuitive platform so it’s really straightforward to navigate and pre-populated details make your experience fast and efficient.

Even more added value for healthcare providers.

All-in-one integrated platform – get everything done in one place. No more switching between other apps and systems.

uConsult™ handles all documentation from prescriptions to payments.

uConsult™ The secure payment gateway makes money management easy for patients and providers.

Here’s why you should use uConsult™

This all-in-one online consultation platform provides a seamless digital experience from booking to billing, making virtual healthcare consultations easier for both patients and healthcare providers, as well as practice administrators.


Book online, get appointment reminders, connect securely for your virtual consultation and receive your healthcare documents directly in your inbox.

Healthcare Providers

Subscribe to uConsult™ to connect with your patients online and enjoy a simpler way to perform virtual consultations, generate prescriptions, referrals to colleagues and specialists, pathology and radiology requests as well as reconciling cash payments – all on one system.

Virtual Consultation

Healthcare Provider Administrators

Easily manage your healthcare provider’s busy online practice using the electronic diary and option to invite patients.

Simple, convenient virtual healthcare consultations.

Healthcare Providers


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